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Showing posts from June, 2016

Friday News: 2016 Texas Boys State

By Staff Reports  •  June 17, 2016 After a eventful day at LBJ, filled with rousing debates, an inspirational visit from former Navy SEAL Clint Bruce, and the much-anticipated gubernatorial election, the Statesmen rose Friday morning for one last day at Boys State. Statesmen were given the opportunity to attend a college fair with both in-state and out-of-state universities in Kinsolving Dormitory, and then met briefly with their cities for reflections and final remarks. Simultaneously, parents and sponsors met with Boys State staff to discuss the challenges and learnings that the Statesmen experienced throughout the week. An emphasis was placed on the importance of having attended Boys State to the successes of the Statesmen in their futures.  At the last general assembly in Gregory Gym, recognition awards, scholarships and Boys Nation candidates were announced, and a keynote address from General Land Office Commissioner George P. Bush. Additionally, a...

Thursday News: 2016 Texas Boys State

By Dom Borbon June 17, 2016 An overwhelming atmosphere of unity and fellowship settled over the UT campus today as Statesmen went through their last full day of the Boys State Program. Statesmen gathered early in the morning to eat one of their last meals with their fellow Statesmen. After breakfast, all statesmen congregated together at the first general assembly of the day where general election speeches were presented by state candidates. Because of the number of candidates and length of speeches, general assembly lasted until lunchtime.  After eating lunch, statesmen departed from lunch to attend their respective county party conventions then to their district party conventions where county and district candidates presented campaign speeches. Finally, the second general assembly of the day commenced to hold keynote addresses, general election speeches for attorney general, lieutenant governor, and governor. Following speeches, a debate between state cand...

Wednesday News: 2016 Texas Boys State

By Dom Borbon  June 15, 2016 The fourth day of Texas Boys State was a complete success as campaigning and politics continued. With the program nearing its end, the schedule and events here have increased in both spirit and intensity.  Like previous days, today began with an early breakfast at Kinsolving dorm's cafeteria. Right off the bat, the day’s politics began with the House and Senate meeting directly after breakfast. At the same time, county party conventions were taking place elsewhere to hold runoff election speeches.  Shortly afterwards, Statesmen from the county party conventions moved on to district party conventions where run-off election speeches for district offices were held. Finally, statesmen continued to the state party convention where state runoff speeches took place as well as the continuation of platform discussions. Runoff election polls opened a t ten in the morning, concurrently the seminar rotations began. By noon, seminars sessi...

Tuesday News — 2016 Texas Boys State

By Dom Borbon  June 15, 2016 Tuesday’s events kept the ball rolling from the previous day as Statesmen were challenged with a more substantial load of campaigns and elections than before.  Cities were up early to eat breakfast and prepare for the busy day ahead, which would be filled with an even busier schedule. Following breakfast, Statesmen broke into their State Party Conventions where speeches and platform ideas were introduced.  Meanwhile the House and Senate were separated into another group that met and convened in the Capitol building. For the next few hours, all groups came together to discuss platforms, policy, and elections--a long and grueling process that required utmost concentration from all Statesmen involved. Finally, the State Party Convention met once again to give speeches for attorney general, lieutenant governor, and governor. By the end of these events, Statesmen had only gone through half of the day’s schedule. About...

Monday News — 2016 Texas Boys State

By Dom Borbon June 14, 2016 After the initial sparks of Sunday’s exciting introductions, Texas Boys State is now in full force. The second day of the program saw an engaging schedule of campaigns, elections, party politics, sports, and much more. To start off the day, Statesmen strengthened bonds between their fellow city Statesmen as they gathered for a hearty breakfast together. No time was wasted as the Statesmen went straight to business, first breaking into their city precincts and hearing speeches from House and Senate candidates within their own party. Still gathered in their precinct conventions, Statesmen voted on the positions for precinct chair, county delegates, rules platform and campaign committee. All before 10 a.m., Statesmen received their first taste of the election process, something that will be a common factor through the remainder of this week. Directly afterwards, Statesmen moved with their precincts to the county convention where delegates voted for ...

Sunday News -- 2016 Texas Boys State

By Staff Reports June 13, 2016 Welcome to the official blog of Texas Boys State 2016! Here, we will keep you up-to-date with the events and happenings at this year's action-packed week. To learn more about Texas Boys State, click here . The program got underway Sunday, June 12, as 1,035 statesmen checked in to the Kinsolving Dormitory on The University of Texas at Austin campus. Statesmen began their experience with an information meeting in their cities Sunday afternoon. From there, it was off to dinner before the first Texas Boys State general assembly outside the Honors Quad. At the assembly, statesmen learned two integral parts to the Texas Boys State program: proper respect for the United States Flag and the Texas Boys State song.  Additionally, the Boys State band will accompany the singers as they perform the Boys State song throughout the week and during their march to the Capitol on Wednesday.  After the first general assembly, the statesmen head...