by Cameron Fisher and Spencer Anderson Texas Boys State Press Corps After a eventful night at LBJ, filled with rousing debates, and greatly talented performers, the statesmen rose Friday morning for one last day at Boys State. At seven, the general election polls opened in the Flag Room, and the Statesmen lined up in droves to place their vote. At eight-thirty, a recreation period began, and the Statesmen were able to choose between a city Olympiad and a college fair. The Olympiad served as the tournament games for basketball, dodgeball and football. At the college fair, schools from all over Texas, and a few from outside of the state gathered to share information about their school with the Statesmen. At ten thirty, the general election closed, and an hour later, the final General Assembly began in the LBJ auditorium. Boys State officials greeted the Statesmen and their parents, and made their final remarks before the event everyone had been waiting for all week: election result...
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