by Cameron Fisher and Spencer Anderson
Texas Boys State Press Corps
Another full day has passed at Boys State, and as usual, the boys rose early in the morning, and made their way to breakfast. The days first activity was the first general assembly, where General Election Campaign speeches for all State officials, excluding Attorney General, Lieutenant Governor, and Governor, took place. Following this long assembly the boys ate a hearty lunch.
The Staters then assembled for the march to the state capitol, which is just a short walk away from Jester. The boys lined up outside by city, with the band and Color Guard spearheading the congregation. The Color Guard bore the standards of the United States, Texas, and the American Legion, among others. Upon arriving at the front steps of the capital, the band played a couple songs. The boys then made their way inside the building, where they visited various offices of elected officials and house and senate members reported to their respective chambers for debate.
Afterwards, the boys returned to Jester and attended their city meetings, where they reviewed the week, discussed their experiences, and exchanged contact informations with their newfound friends. Following their meetings the boys attended dinner. They then met up and made a trip over to the UT Mall for the flag lowering ceremony.
Finally it was time for the evening's general assembly, once again, in the LBJ auditorium. At the assembly while the press conducted a live stream, debates and a talent show were held late into the evening.
After yet another long day, the statesmen made their way to bed, ready for the sixth and final day of the Boys State program.
Texas Boys State Press Corps
The Staters then assembled for the march to the state capitol, which is just a short walk away from Jester. The boys lined up outside by city, with the band and Color Guard spearheading the congregation. The Color Guard bore the standards of the United States, Texas, and the American Legion, among others. Upon arriving at the front steps of the capital, the band played a couple songs. The boys then made their way inside the building, where they visited various offices of elected officials and house and senate members reported to their respective chambers for debate.
Afterwards, the boys returned to Jester and attended their city meetings, where they reviewed the week, discussed their experiences, and exchanged contact informations with their newfound friends. Following their meetings the boys attended dinner. They then met up and made a trip over to the UT Mall for the flag lowering ceremony.
Finally it was time for the evening's general assembly, once again, in the LBJ auditorium. At the assembly while the press conducted a live stream, debates and a talent show were held late into the evening.
After yet another long day, the statesmen made their way to bed, ready for the sixth and final day of the Boys State program.
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